Letters: Palmwoods supermarket overdue; violent protests deeply disturbing'
An impression of how the Coles Palmwoods Supermarket might look.
I could write an essay on the topic of the fors-and-againsts of having a large supermarket in Palmwoods. I’ve been a resident here of 22 years, and of 33 years on the Sunshine Coast.
What really disgusts me the most is how a Council can decide the future of Palmwoods based on a single assessment report and the urging of Cr Winston Johnston to refuse the application. All but one councillor voted ‘no’. And that one councillor had the decency to look at all aspects, including the alternative for this site: to build another massive housing development right on the doorstep of our village (which,, by the way was refused by Council some 12 years ago).
Did the no voting councillors take the time, have the inclination or individual prowess to look at the entire picture including history, developments, industry and most importantly what the majority of residents wanted?
We are traditionally a timber logging, fruit farming and early rail hub for the Coast. Well, all that is gone. Our historic buildings are but few now and centred around Little Main Street. The rest is development. That’s right development!
Our Council over the years have changed our ‘village’ to be surrounded by new housing estates. At last official Census 2021 count the population was 6357. Wow! To give you an idea and comparison Cr Johnston, Maleny’s population was 3959 and Nambour’s 12,145. Interesting stats to say the least!
We have been deprived of a larger supermarket for 15 years and all due to a Council who wanted to keep our ‘village and historic character’ intact. What hypocrites.
Thankyou Councillor Dixon for having the strength of character to challenge Cr Johnston’s ‘pied piper’ approach to voting when assessing DA applications in another Council Division.
As a ratepayer, I just ask for a fair go by all councillors to have some guts, determination and accountability to make decisions based on your own research. I can deal with that and accept an outcome. But I don’t see this on this occasion.
– Beverley McMullin, Palmwoods
Why I’m disappointed by Palmwoods’ Coles decision
A big thank you to Cr Dixon for being the only councillor to actually consider the Coles supermarket with the needs of the Palmwoods community in mind. Our own local councillor just chose to be a sheep like all the other councillors and rely on one report prepared by people whom have obviously never been to Palmwoods. The ‘local activity centre’ is already fragmented and generally unwalkable.
The ‘desired rural town character’ has already been destroyed by council allowing the huge expansion and approval of endless housing estates.
With respect to ‘large servicing trucks’, what is a couple more each week. Sit in the Main Street now and count how many trucks already come through and negotiate ‘the narrow roads’.
As for ‘foot traffic being needed for local business’, Cr Natoli guess where my current foot traffic is...that’s correct, in Nambour around the Coles or Woolworths as that is where I am forced to grocery shop. By having a full supermarket in Palmwoods , my foot traffic will stay in town benefitting the current local shops.
My disappointment in Cr Winston Johnston is complete. Not once during his election campaign did he state that he would not support the Coles application. It must be nice for him to live in Maleny where there is a choice of 2 large supermarkets and a thriving local activity centre that the arrival of Woolworths did not destroy.
A disappointing outcome for our residents.
– Lorraine Horn, Palmwoods
Violent protests in Melbourne a wake-up call for Australia
I was deeply disturbed by the violent protests that took place in Melbourne this past fortnight, supposedly in the name of peace and pacifism. These demonstrations, aimed at disrupting the LANDFORCES conference, laid bare the true nature of the radical elements within the Australian Greens and their activist supporters.
This was not a peaceful protest, as we were led to believe.
The participation of neo-Nazis, Hamas apologists, and far-left extremists only added fuel to the fire, and it was shocking to see elected officials like Greens Senator David Shoebridge stoking the flames of hatred.
To see these protesters use the Australian Aboriginal flag in their misguided attempts to draw false parallels is appalling. As former Senator Nova Peris so aptly put it, the flag is sacred and should not be hijacked for such divisive and hateful agendas.
Australia is facing its most geopolitically unstable period since World War II, with threats to our national security looming. In this climate, we need to stand by our Defence Force personnel and the industry that supports them, not undermine them through violent protests. The Greens need to take responsibility for their actions.
They must cease their support for and condemn unequivocally these violent protests. They must condemn Hamas, Hezbollah and the Islamic Republic of Iran for the October 7 attacks, ongoing torture and hostage captivity. And they must hold their elected members to account for their complicity in spreading the infection of antisemitism and hate.
– Andrew Wallace MP, Federal Member for Fisher