Nambour gets a video makeover.
From left, Cr David Law, Vaughan Jones from Sunshine Pinball, renowned social media influencer Brooke Styles and Mayor Mark Jamieson are pumped for today’s launch of the video package and website. Vaughan’s Sunshine Pinball and Brooke feature in the video.
The best that Nambour has to offer will be showcased in a locally-developed visual package and launched today (Wednesday, March 1).
All will be revealed at the “I Am Nambour” Website & Video Series launch on the big screen at Majestic Cinemas at 9am.
The “major digital makeover” includes a video package by local firm Red Boss Productions as well as the revitalisation and upgrade of the existing “I Am Nambour” website.
Organiser and local businesswoman Rhonda Billett said the idea was to create a showcase of the small businesses and local industry offerings that made Nambour a great place to “invest, live, work and play”.
“We will unveil the new direction the Nambour business community are taking for Nambour, the Gateway to the Sunshine Coast Hinterland,” said Ms Billett.
Council and Visit Sunshine Coast have financially contributed to the roll out, with investment into a further promotion of the I Am Nambour, Explore Nambour video series and web site.
“It will allow us to amplify our Nambour branding even further, feeding the new videos and website of the Gateway to the Sunshine Coast Hinterland promotion, deep into the South East Queensland tourism market,” said Ms Billett.
“I am thrilled for their investment into our region assisting the Nambour Groups objectives and roll out.”
She has been meeting regularly with key players in town under a loosely affiliated “Nambour Groups” banner. The groups include Nambour Chamber of Commerce, Reimagine Nambour, Tram Co, Nambour Retailers Group, Div 10 Cr David Law, Nambour Showgrounds, key council staff and pivotal businesses.
“The aim is to unite local groups and businesses under the same banner with a common cause,” Ms Billett said.
“We want to help ensure everything we do aligns with Council’s vision for Nambour with a particular focus on the Nambour CBD revitalisation.”
Ms Billett and Cr Law also launched the Nambour Parking Map and last year the Nambour Vintage and Retro Op Shop Hip Hop Map. Both are live at
The event will be held today (Wednesday, March 1) from 9am-10.30am at Suncoast Pinball/Majestic Cinemas in Centenary Square.
Nambour Groups have met regularly since April 2022 and have identified a “top 3” outcomes list for Nambour.
• 1. Create an online portal that provides key information to visitors to Nambour, investors, and the business community in Nambour.
• 2. Activate the town centre to increase footfall, decrease anti-social behaviour and create a meeting and entertainment hub.
• 3. Promote events to create a vibrant location that encourages investment and increases business confidence and support.