For those who love to sing

Musical Director Ailsa Morehen leads the happy folk from Mapleton Choir at Kureelpa Hall ... “The public has been starved of any form of live entertainment so we’re ready to brighten their lives.”

Musical Director Ailsa Morehen leads the happy folk from Mapleton Choir at Kureelpa Hall ... “The public has been starved of any form of live entertainment so we’re ready to brighten their lives.”

The Mapleton Choir is a non-audition community choir now in its 37th year.  It is run entirely on a voluntary basis so neither the musical director nor accompanist receive any remuneration. This helps keep membership fees to a minimum.

“We do two major concert series each year, as well as entertaining at retirement villages and aged care facilities.  We also take part in local Australia Day and Christmas activities,” said Musical Director Ailsa Morehen.

The Choir relies on income from ticket sales to concerts to keep them financial but still manages to give back to the community.

“Being a non-profit organisation we have donated over $10,000 to worthy causes in the previous 5 years,” said Ailsa.

The choir boasts 40 members but not everyone participates at any one time due to family commitments or travel.  Members come from Maroochydore, Buderim, Yandina, Nambour and all along the Range.

“It is a group of like-minded people who just love to sing,” said Ailsa. “So far as I am aware we are the only choir on the Sunshine Coast that has been rehearsing in person since 13 July 2020. We thought after all the lockdown and uncertainty it was important to reunite our choir family.

“Singing is so important for your health — both mental and physical.”

The choir practices Monday evenings from 7pm at Kureelpa Hall and are now preparing for an “Australia Fair” concert in December.

Putting on a profitable concert while also complying with social distance rules presented a challenge for members.

“We can only have 50 people in the hall at once.  With 30 choir members that only leaves 20 for an audience.”

But the show must go on and the choir has decided on a series of twilight concerts the first weekend of December - Friday 4th at 6pm, Saturday 5th at 6pm and Sunday 6th at 4pm.

“The public has been starved for any form of live entertainment and we are ready to brighten the lives of our community by doing what we do best – sing.”

• The concert at Kureelpa Hall will be 80 minutes with no interval.  All tickets $15.  Enquiries to Ailsa on 5478 6079 or Secretary Robyn Gray  0403 761 147.


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