25,000 flock to Nambour Showgrounds

More than 25,000 people flocked to the Nambour Showgrounds over the weekend to enjoy the 2022 Sunshine Coast Agricultural Show.

“We had brilliant numbers, not far off last year’s, and better than many previous years,” said Sunshine Coast Agricultural Show Society Manager Penny Walsh. “We’re still waiting on final figures.”

In fact she said online demand for tickets was so heavy that the website was overloaded at times.

Organisers were pleased by the response to new attractions.

“The Sunshine & Sons Saloon was an absolute hit,” said Penny. “People loved being able to sit on the terraces and watch all the live action on the big screen. 

“The weather was superb and the green was used to maximum capacity again. People were able to sit down as a family and watch the night-time entertainment. We’re known as the friendly Show and it was wonderful to see so many families out enjoying themselves.” 

And there was no shortage of things to see. 

“There were a record number of entries for our competitions with just over 500 entries,” Penny said.  “Clive Featherby and KC’s Fireworks out did themselves this year.

“A security guard told me he’d been to a lot of shows and this one was the best entertainment he’d seen. It was just a spectacular.”

This year’s event was well and truly powered by volunteers.

“There were over 1000 volunteers involved in this Show,” Penny said. “We called in so many different local groups to help us out and they answered the call! 

“The team from The Shack, for instance, were incredible. They absolutely loved coming over to help set up and dismantle. It showed great community spirit. 

“We’re all about community groups and tapping into the spirit that is so strong in Nambour.”


Q&A with Cr David Law on Nambour's 'activation projects'


Local show history had its beginnings in Woombye