Court to rule on proposed wedding venue in Montville

Residents, background from left, Peter Wilson, Cynthia Dodd, Claire Donoghue and Skye Parker are concerned about the effect a wedding venue will have on their idyllic street.

Residents, background from left, Peter Wilson, Cynthia Dodd, Claire Donoghue and Skye Parker are concerned about the effect a wedding venue will have on their idyllic street.

signs have sprung up along Western Avenue Montville in protest at a hinterland retreat’s application to host weddings.

Black and yellow protest signs adorn the length of the street with residents, particularly at the western end, worried about increased noise and traffic and the impact associated roadworks will have on their idyllic streetscape should the application be granted.

Sunshine Coast Regional Council has already green lit the application by Montville Country Cabins for the Material Change of Use to host weddings, capped at 45 guests.

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But now it’s up to a Judge to decide whether to uphold Council’s decision. An appeal is being heard in Brisbane’s Land and Environment Court this month (August 23 to 25).

Residents say Council’s approval was based on flawed information and could see a dramatic increase in the number of weddings hosted at the venue. Nearby neighbour Claire Donoghue lodged the appeal citing serious material errors in the reports prepared by sound engineers.

“The approval presents some serious concerns for neighbours relating to noise and traffic and the impact it will have on our lifestyle,” Ms Donoghue said. “We do wonder how an application can be approved that was going to have significant impact on a community. 

“Initially there had only been a few (weddings) a year which locals had put up with despite the sound impact. However in recent years the number of events had increased dramatically and subsequently they were reported to council. And now we find council has approved up to 52 a year, which is untenable to locals.”

Montville Country Cabins’ owners said neighbourhood anxiety was based on incorrect information. They say they have hosted weddings on the property for 11 years without a single complaint, had the support of many  residents and took their role as good neighbourhood citizens very seriously.


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