Editorial: Responding, but still not listening

Comment by Cameron Outridge, editor

This paper copped it’s fair share of flack last edition and we get it. 

Last edition’s coverage  was not ideal. It was one-sided. But, in our defence, Nicklin MP Rob Skelton’s office was given days to reply to Ms Simpson’s comments and chose to not do so. This paper should not be expected to hold back coverage of such an important issue for lack of a response from the local MP.  

Thankfully his office has responded this week (see page opposite).

This paper admires Mr Skelton’s obvious compassion for people doing it tough, his willingness to show up and support local community events and his advocacy for initiatives that help clubs, organisations and communities. 

Those instincts are representative of the best spirit of the Australian Labor Party, instincts that are good and fair and directed at the most vulnerable.

But his office must be aware of the ongoing frustration of affected businesspeople we’ve spoken to as outlined in article after article during the past 12 months. And still there is a lack of direct acknowledgement of the affected people’s legitimate and ongoing concerns.  

People can and should have their say in Mr Skelton’s survey described on the page opposite. And that is all well and good. 

But, to this newspaper, the people Mr Skelton should be canvassing on this issue – first, foremost and predominantly – are the businesspeople trying to earn their livelihoods in the troubled Town Square area: businesspeople who are subjected to regular intimidating, unpredictable, anti-social, drug-induced, drunken and/or unlawful behaviour in that area. 

Businesses we’ve spoken to have been demoralised, ignored and when they try to speak up,  intimidated. 

This, despite the fact that they, their staff and customers are trying to go about their business under the strain of regular unlawful behaviour. It’s high time to acknowledge their legitimate concerns and take appropriate action. Everyone is welcome in the Town Square, not every behaviour.


Emotional home games honour fallen player 


‘Approved’ numbers don’t fill rosters: Fiona Simpson MP