From grief to inspiration: A nature-based, colour technique to overcome depression
Bob and Lorraine Roberts want to help others avoid sliding into depression and to cope with the barrage of negativity thrown at all people in everyday life.
A Nambour couple who find optimism through nature have released the latest in a series of books in a quest to share their technique for staying positive.
Lorraine Roberts’ latest book, Colour in Nature: And the positive messages and words that come to mind, is a colouring book aimed at primary school children.
The book explains the Roberts’ Balance with Colour technique, which they developed themselves while learning to cope with day-to-day negativity that came on top of their personal trauma and grief.
The technique involves choosing daily a colour from nature, matching it with an object in nature, associating a positive action word with it, and finding a way to incorporate that word in their activities for the day.
“Lorraine discovered the technique in 2019 after the death of our son, James, a Sydney-based artist, working at the Opera House, who was cycling to the station, fell off his bike and hit his head and never recovered,” said Bob. “James loved the colours of the natural world and we have made it our mission to share the technique with the community on his behalf.
Knowing James loved colours and nature, Lorraine one day was looking out to our garden, when she suddenly described to me the mes- sage that was coming to her from just looking at colour in nature. And so, the Balance with Colour concept and technique were born. ‘Nature is giving us the inspiration, because colour is there for a reason, and it costs nothing.’ Lorraine told me,” Bob said.
The Roberts published their first book, Balance With Colour to avoid sliding into depression, in 2019.
The Balance With Colour technique is simple and easy to learn and can be practised every day to quickly become a habit.
Lorraine authors the books, which Bob, a retired educator/ editor, edits. They sell their books and other materials, that are teaching and learning aids, to cover the cost of spreading their message worldwide because they want to help others avoid sliding into depression and to calmly cope with the barrage of negativity thrown at all people in everyday life. These aids enable them and others to share the concept and technique.
There is a video of the same title available on YouTube to go with this latest book. They would like to see the technique used in the homes and taught in our schools.
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