Tradies roll up sleeves to pitch in at BP Plumbing Supplies

As the rain eased, local folk started to assess the damage to property and Fred Dengate, who owns BP Plumbing Supplies in Burnside, discovered that flood water had been right through his entire warehouse and showroom. 

With a huge task ahead of him and his small team feeling overwhelmed, he threw the doors open on Tuesday 11th March. 

His normal clients started to turn up to get gear for the day and could see what a terrible mess the warehouse was in. How could his business hope to function in this condition? 

One after another, the tradies all opted to cancel their own jobs for the day and stay to help Fred and his team clean up in a tangible case of community spirit in action. 

The volunteers worked all day, sorting through stock, transferring thousands of small plumbing fittings from soggy cardboard boxes, into new boxes and throwing out so much that had been destroyed. 

As one trailer was filled with rubbish, it was sent off to the dump and another one filled. This went on all day. The showroom was emptied and the carpet ripped up and also taken to the tip.

Local plumber Gavin Pascoe from Pascoe Plumbing said: “Giving a day to help Fred and his team was the least he could do. 

“We have been buying gear from BP for years. We would like to think someone would stop and help us if we needed it too.

“It was a great day, hard work but everyone was in good spirits. Someone made fresh scones with jam and cream to feed the workers. Everyone was doing their part.

“At the end of the day, Fred was so pleased and humbled that so many of his clients had helped him when he needed it most.

“Don’t worry about our community spirit here in Nambour – it is alive and well.”

Community spirit in action: one by one, the tradies all opted to cancel their own jobs for the day and stay to help Fred and his team


‘The water has come up before, but never this high’


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