Crowds line Blackall Street for Beersheba Day Parade


Crowds lined Woombye's Blackall Street today for the 2nd Light Horse Regiment-Woombye Troop's annual Beersheba Day Parade.

After a Memorial Service at Memorial Park the hall adjacent to the park was opened with horses, and equipment on display as well as refreshments including damper.

The crowd was reminded of the battle of Beersheba which took place on 31 October 1917 as part of the wider British offensive collectively known as the third Battle of Gaza.

The final phase of this all day battle was the famous mounted charge of the 4th Light Horse Brigade.

Commencing at dusk, members of the brigade stormed through the Turkish defences and seized the strategic town of Beersheba.

The capture of Beersheba enabled British Empire forces to break the Ottoman line near Gaza on 7 November and advance into Palestine.

The parade featured Lighthorse men and women from Gympie, Maleny and Woombye on their horses, Red Cross nurses in period uniform, the Salvation Army band and a piper and drummers leading the procession.

Wreaths were placed during the service by Member for Nicklin Rob Skelton, Div 5 Cr Winston Johnstone and WCBA President Debbie Kimber in recognition of those that took part in this famous battle and charge.


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