Arborist champions preservation of wildlife and sustainable tree care

Business Writeup: Hollows for Wildlife

Chevallum’s Elliot Strudwick is an arborist whose new business, Hollows for Wildlife, is primarily focused on environmental arboriculture. He uses his skill and experience to help preserve the natural beauty and ecological balance of our native landscape.

“I was raised as a wildlife carer, so I know the importance of caring for our native birds, insects and animals in the process of maintaining our properties,” he said.

Elliot is both a landscaper and arborist who can take care of a range of needs such as weed species removal, pruning, deadwooding, habitat work, tree and palm removals, and hedging and garden renovations, with native gardens being a special passion.

“I like to help people understand how we can live harmoniously with native species, and landscape in a sustainable and co-operative way,” he said.

Fully qualified and insured, Elliot offers expert guidance on the proper care and management of native trees.

“For every tree I remove, my aim is to plant at least one native tree to replace it,” Elliot said.

“That way we are providing homes and food for our native animals, for generations to come.”

• You can contact Elliot on 0477 149 947 or email

Elliot is a landscaper, arborist and experienced wildlife carer.


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