Apex Directory 40 years in the making

Alan Heading receiving his life membership from Zone President Brian O’Brian in December 1981. Right: The current cover photo features Members of the Maleny Apex Club at the 1981 Zone Convention in Maryborough including 4 life members and partners.

Alan Heading receiving his life membership from Zone President Brian O’Brian in December 1981. Right: The current cover photo features Members of the Maleny Apex Club at the 1981 Zone Convention in Maryborough including 4 life members and partners.

The Maleny Apex Business Directory is a familiar publication to most residents and businesses throughout Maleny, and this year marks the 40th anniversary of its first ever publication.

Across Maleny, residents and business owners rely on the Apex directory to put them in touch with local business, community groups, venues for hires, sport and recreation clubs and local political representatives. 

Over the last 40 years, the production process of the directory has significantly changed, however the club’s commitment to their community and service has not wavered.

40 years ago, Alan Heading, who has since passed away had the idea to start a business directory as a way of supporting and promoting local business and providing a new fundraising avenue for Apex to continue its work in the community. 

Alan was a Life Member of Maleny Apex, who grew up on a farm in North Maleny and went on to own a successful earthmoving business after the closure of the butter factory in Coral Street that had once supported numerous Hinterland families. 

Alan’s wife Bev Heading reflected on the time when the very first Apex Business Directory was put together: “The first edition was printed pages spread around our pool table and other tables of Apex members’ homes. We would go around picking up a page at a time and stapling the book together. There may have been the odd page or two left over at the end of the night!’ 

“While Alan developed the initial concept, it was the entire club and all its members and their families who worked tirelessly to produce the directory and liaise with local business and community and I know this ethos continues with the club today,” Bev said.

Jake Heading, Alan’s great nephew, is a third generation Apex member and this year organised the directory and is continuing in the footsteps of his grandfather, father and uncles and their commitment to Apex and serving community. 

“I really wanted to recognise Alan’s contribution to the inception of the directory and ensure it was as strong as ever. I’m very proud of my family’s contribution to the Maleny community and the directory,” Jake said.

This year Maleny Apex Club has also marked a significant anniversary with it being 60 years since the inception of the club. Jake and current club members recognise that past members laid the foundations to support the community financially and it has been their fantastic contribution to service that continues to inspire today’s members.  

The Maleny Apex Business Directory is free and can be found at local businesses in Maleny, and over the coming weeks the directory will be delivered to every home in Maleny.


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