NZ violinist Amalia Hall to perform at Lucas Parklands

New Zealand violinist Amalia Hall will perform with soprano Alexandra Flood and pianist Michael Ierace.

New Zealand violinist Amalia Hall will perform with soprano Alexandra Flood and pianist Michael Ierace.

Internationally acclaimed New Zealand violinist Amalia Hall will make a whirlwind visit to Lucas Parklands on the Sunshine Coast in September, to join in her first international performances in almost 18 months.

In an extremely unique occasion, Ms Hall will perform with world-class Australian-born soprano Alexandra Flood, who is returning from Europe for a tour, and captivating Australian pianist Michael Ierace, in the Lucas Parklands auditorium on September 25 and 26.

“It’s a wonderful thing in the music industry to meet people and to forge musical partnerships and to collaborate together for performances; and just to have something really spontaneous on stage and be able to explore that in the performance,” Ms Hall said of the pending Lucas Parklands concerts.

“I’m really looking forward to it, I’ve never been to the Sunshine Coast so that’s going to be really exciting, and also I’ve heard wonderful things about the Lucas Parklands venue itself so I’m really looking forward to being able to perform there.”

Ms Hall’s appearance at Lucas Parklands in Montville is a coup for local lovers of classical music, and for venue owner Ian Lucas, who organised what are her only two appearances before she jets back for her ongoing concert commitments in New Zealand.

The violin virtuoso is a graduate of the prestigious Curtis Institute of Music, and has impressed with her soloist performances with leading world orchestras, including in Italy, Germany, the Czech Republic, Romania and Mexico, with her concerts extending around the globe to the USA, China, South Africa, Vietnam and more, including Australia.

“Usually I spend a couple of months each year overseas for performances – in Mexico, England, Italy, Australia, all different places – and this has actually been the longest I’ve been in New Zealand since I was 18,” Ms Hall explained.

“So, even just to be going just across the ditch to Australia is a really nice feeling, I’m looking forward to be able to get out of New Zealand and go back a little bit to what life was like before Covid.” 

Ms Hall developed a deep passion for the violin as a child. She made her debut with the Auckland Philharmonia orchestra at age 9 and won numerous awards in her teens, before embarking on her much-lauded international career. “My parents really loved music, so they started my siblings playing violin as a hobby, and I just wanted to copy them and really play violin too, and ever since then it’s been my real focus,” Ms Hall explains.

“And it’s always such a joy to share music wherever I do go, whether it’s in New Zealand or elsewhere; music is just this amazing thing that can unite people and bring them together for a shared experience, so it’s really quite special.”

She has met Ms Flood previously, but it will be her first time meeting Mr Ierace. It will be their first time performing together, and it promises to be something unique.

For tickets to the September 25, 26 performances, please phone 07 5478 5667 or email:


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