The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Council moves to rein in Yandina development rush  

At a Council meeting on November 10, Div 10 Cr David Law successfully argued that further amendments to the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme (2014) for Yandina be put on hold until the new Planning Scheme (2024) comes into force.

A parcel of land at the centre of the issue lies between Steggalls and Brandons Roads and on Ninderry Road near the Spirit House (see map). It was added to Yandina’s Urban Footprint in the SEQ Regional Plan (2017) at Council’s request following lobbying by landholders. 

President of the Yandina and District Community Association (YADCA) Marie Reeve said she supported Councillor Law’s action.

“There is already sufficient residential-zoned land to meet demand to 2031 according to Council’s Fact sheet ‘SEQ Regional Plan Review – Preferred Settlement Pattern 2041’,” Ms Reeve said. “Yandina has capacity for more than 500 new dwellings. With a population of 8000 the town is growing at 3 percent per annum. Putting on hold the extra residential development that would occur on the Steggalls Road site will give the Council time to bring the community infrastructure up to a level sufficient to support the existing population and the increase in population that will result from the developments already underway in Yandina.”

Ms Reeve said in planned greenfield sites — where provision is made upfront for community infrastructure such as bike and foot paths, parks, playgrounds, schools and utilities — established towns like Yandina have been forced to accept growth from subdivisions and infill developments without commensurate upgrading of community infrastructure. 

“Footpaths start and end adjacent to new estates with plenty of missing links,” she said. “Bike paths are non-existent except on Farrell Street. The local skate facility and park are in need of an upgrade and parking spaces are already under pressure at busy times. The school has limited space to expand without losing sporting fields and public transport is limited to one bus route between Nambour and Noosa and two trains a day.”

Ms Reeve said that people wanted Yandina to retain its pleasant semi-rural lifestyle and preserve the historic village character that had made it an attractive place to live.

“But there has to be upgrading of community infrastructure commensurate with the increase in residential development that has already occurred or is underway,” she said.

“The delay in the amendment gives Council time to bring community infrastructure in Yandina up to the standard required for greenfield developments elsewhere on the Sunshine Coast so that it is properly prepared for development such as those now put on hold.”

Ms Reeve said millions of dollars had been received from the Infrastructure Levy paid on each new residential property in Yandina but Council’s policy has been to spend none of those funds in Yandina.

“Instead directing them to other infrastructure developments on the Sunshine Coast considered to have greater priority than those of the town in which the levy was collected.”

Ms Reeve said if living standards and amenity were to be maintained in established towns like Yandina, planning, residential development and infrastructure must be “considered holistically, not in a piecemeal way, from one development application to another”.