The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Woombye Heritage Trail Booklet launch, Saturday

Cr Winston Johnston spoke at the WCBA meeting recently.

The Woombye Community and Business Association (WCBA), together with its associates, has produced a heritage trail booklet, designed to help Woombye residents and visitors become aware of some of the historical locations in and around Woombye.

Woombye was originally a staging post for the Cobb & Co stagecoach service to the goldfields in Gympie, and was known at that time as Cobb’s Camp. It was established around 1868.

The booklet is to be launched at 11.30am on Saturday, 12 September, 2020 at the Woombye Pub (Criterion Hotel).

If you would like to attend this event, please contact the WCBA in advance as there are a limited number of places due to Covid-19 regulations.

Email: Or telephone Tess: 0421 492 564.