The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Shopping centre plans  lodged for Palmwoods

Palmwoods Village Shopping Centre, proposed on land in the heart of town.

A SHOPPING centre has been proposed for a central Palmwoods block opposite the Hotel and SPAR supermarket.

The new proposal is a scaled down version of a previously approved application, minus the residential aspect. 

The new application was lodged by Burnett Street Nominees Pty Ltd last week for an integrated shopping centre covering land in Church Street,  Main Street and Hill Street, Palmwoods.

The application states the proposed development “responds appropriately to the site’s Local Centre zoning designations and is considered an appropriate outcome for the subject land and Palmwoods township”.

It says a shopping centre would provide “convenience retail facilities for the local community that  are not currently available.

“The proposed development is of a form and character that is consistent with and enhances the pre-eminent built-form character of the Palmwoods township. The building design has incorporated key elements of the existing townscape character through the retention and reuse of existing character elements currently on site (i.e. existing bluestone walls, Station Masters House and Night Officers Quarters).”


Site Area: 7,356m2

Supermarket Floor Area: 1,000m2

Other Retail Floor Area: 1500m2

Gross Leasable Floor Area: 2402m2

Building Height: 2 storeys and 12m above ground level fronting Main Street and 2 storeys and 8.5m elsewhere.

Car Parking: 100 car spaces, 5 motorcycle 2 van, 2 SRV, 1 HRV, 50 bicycle.