The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Local handmade jewellery to catch the eye and capture sentiment

Lisa Clune: “Sometimes a client will bring me multiple pieces of jewellery that they rarely wear, and I combine them into one stunning piece that they will cherish”. 

Instead of having a handful of rings you don’t wear, below, turn them into one special piece, as Lisa has done, above. The ring has been handmade using old gold, sapphires and diamonds.

Business Writeup: Set Together Jewellery

Set Together Jewellery’s Lisa Clune knew from an early age that she wanted to become a jeweller.

“I have been fascinated by gemstones and have loved drawing and design for as long as I can remember,” said Lisa who recently set up a studio in Nambour. “I went into jewellery making and design straight out of year 12, and every day I feel so lucky to have found my passion so early in my life”.

Lisa grew up in New Zealand and went to jewellery school at the end of high school.

“My training was in traditional goldsmithing and jewellery design and technique. All day, every day, I was at the bench learning the art of fine jewellery making,” Lisa explained. “It was quite intense and proved to be fantastic grounding for my first experiences working for master jewellers in Melbourne”.

At the end of her formal training, Lisa moved to Melbourne where she went to work for Master Jeweller, Frank Fedele.

“When I first arrived in Melbourne, I worked for Frank and a diamond dealer, and it was the most wonderful experience. After two years, I became the main jeweller in Frank’s business and had the opportunity to create some incredible pieces,” she said.

Lisa moved to Nambour last year and founded her own studio, Set Together Jewellery.

Over the years, Lisa has continued her education by studying gemology (the scientific study of gemstones), and is now a certified gemologist.

“I could talk for days about gemstones,” said Lisa. “Every gemstone tells its own story, from when and where it was formed, to its mineral composition. And because of the mineral composition and crystal structure of gemstones, they are not only visually beautiful, they have all sorts of applications in science. They are an endless source of fascination to me. I source gems from around the world and have personal relationships with my gem merchants”.

Lisa is not alone in this obsession. Humanity has always been fascinated by and in awe of gems, gold and silver.

“The earliest piece of jewellery discovered is 150,000 years old,” said Lisa. “Long before agriculture, humans were adorning themselves with jewellery. And I think this is what I love the most about what I do.

“Jewellery is so intensely personal and can be such a beautiful expression of personality and creativity”.

Remodelling jewellery keeps history and sentiment alive

Lisa designs and makes new jewellery, such as wedding and engagement rings, and has an incredible talent for remodelling gold jewellery.

“I think this is my favourite thing to do,” said Lisa. “It is so exciting to take existing jewellery and turn it into something new. It adds to its character and story in a way that is extremely gratifying. And sometimes a client will bring me multiple pieces of jewellery that they rarely wear, and I combine them into one stunning piece that they will cherish”.

The design process starts with a conversation about preferred styles.

“I weigh the jewellery to be remodelled and then I begin the redesign,” Lisa explained. “I present clients with three initial concepts and we refine from there. My drawings make the design as clear as possible. Generally, it takes three to four weeks to complete the process.

I personally like modern art deco style, but in terms of what I create, I enjoy anything a bit different.

“My aim is to bring history together by creating new family heirlooms while keeping the sentiment alive. I love how stories are told and continue through jewellery.”

For convenience, Lisa visits clients in their homes to get the process started. You can view her designs at or on Instagram at

Salt and Pepper Diamond Ring $1,250.