The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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RDA volunteers glad to be back in the saddle at Yandina shop

Volunteers Jenny Baker and Judy Holcombe … “If you like the smell of well-oiled leather, you’ll love our shop, ” said Judy. “And it’s very important that people understand that, once we pay the rent and utilities, every cent they spend goes directly to the RDA facility at North Arm.”

While charitable activities have been shut down due to COVID-19, demand for their services and the associated expenses have not taken a holiday.

So it was with great relief that eager volunteers re-opened the doors at Yandina’s Sunshine Coast Riding for the Disabled Association’s Second Hand Saddlery Shop after a couple of months on the sidelines.

“We’ve been shut since mid-March but, since reopening recently, we have already had good sales. Customers range from novice riders and Pony Clubbers right through to strappers, trainers and farriers who come in looking for things in their particular fields,” said Jenny Baker, one of three people who volunteer their time at the shop brimming with quality second hand, and some new, equestrian items for horse and rider.

“It’s not just a shop to grab a bargain but also a bit of a meeting place for people who share a passion for riding.”

All proceeds from the little store support RDA and there’s currently 25% off all stock storewide. SCRDA is a not-for-profit organisation providing equine-based therapeutic and recreational riding programs for people with a disability.

“It’s good to be back in the community,” said fellow volunteer Judy Holcombe. “We’re only a small posse of three so have been scrambling like crazy to have the place up and running once more. Customers say they have really missed us and, with this sudden cold snap, are definitely looking for cosy winter rugs.”

“We rely heavily on donated goods, anything from saddles, tack and rugs to rider gear. People are so generous and caring because it really is such a worthwhile cause,” Jenny added.

“They say they don’t know of any other shop like this in the area … we cater to a niche market. It’s a little quaint and old-fashioned inside but our customers love that.”

“If you like the smell of well-oiled leather, you’ll love our shop, ” said Judy. “And it’s very important that people understand that, once we pay the rent and utilities, every cent they spend goes directly to the RDA facility at North Arm.”

If you have any unwanted or unused equestrian items that you would like to donate to the RDA Shop, they would be gratefully received. Clean and in good condition appreciated.

Find them at Shop 1, 8 Farrell Street., Yandina 0406 436 571. The shop is open Monday-Wednesday 10am -4pm; Thursday Noon-4pm; Saturday 9am-1pm. If you can help in the shop or with online sales, please contact the main SCRDA Centre 5472 7280 or