The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Q&A Profile: Community Profile with renowned Maleny artist Gary Myers

Birth date and/or star sign:  Pisces.

Dream Car:  Lots, but probably a Jag.

What would your friends/family say is your most annoying habit?  My bad jokes.

One thing on your bucket list?  I’ve always wanted to run the national trail.

Best advice you ever received?  Tackle one thing at a time (advice I have never adhered to). I do try to live by Nike’s motto … Just Do It.

Most memorable moment in life?  Winning a family running relay with my two sons.

One thing you love about your job?  It’s also my interest and hobby.

One thing people don’t know about you?  My first car was a 1937 Chevrolet given to me by my English teacher when I was 14.  It had been her honeymoon car. The first thing I did was hand paint it red.

If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?  Cape Town.

The last television show or movie you watched?  I loved watching the Olympics.

Is there anything you’d like to see happen in your local area? Maple Street needs to become more user friendly with limited parallel parking, all off-street parking and a heavy vehicle bypass.

Best local activity?  Saturday’s Parkruns in the Obi Obi Parkland (Maleny Precinct).  Run, walk or crawl, it is a great way to start the weekend. 

What is one thing you think Maleny needs?  The new swimming pool.

Is there a local business/community group/club/person you’d like to give a shout-out to?  I think the volunteers at the Information Centre do a great job.

What made you move from Brisbane to Maleny over 30 years ago?  The short answer is Helen. There is a much longer answer  which includes my family settling here around 1900, wanting a tree change and loving the feel/fit of Maleny.