The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Nature’s palette: Old Ambo Nambour gallery showcases art with natural dyes

An exhibition of the unhurried and peaceful process of creation with artist Coralie Poff.

From left, Coralie Poff demonstrates the use of a loom to Gallery Coordinator Julya Hegarty.

Picture & story by Chris Greals

Nambour’s Old Ambulance Station Gallery recently hosted the Sunshine Coast Natural Dyers Interest Group, better known as SCNDIG, a group of artists which promotes the benefits of using colourants produced by nature instead of mass produced industrial dyes.

Conversations with Nature showcased a wide variety of art featuring natural fibres and dyes, and demonstrations of the peaceful process and beauty of slow, intentional creation.

From left, artists Coralie, Lyn, Jenai, and Jules pose with Black Sheep, by Kuweni Dias Mendis.

Weaver Coralie Poff has been involved since the beginning of SCNDIG which will mark its 10th anniversary next year. Her pieces, called Walking with Wren, were inspired by her observations this Spring of Red Backed Fairy Wrens along the upper Noosa River. “All are naturally dyed,” she said. “That is our aim, to show the skills and processes involved. My inspiration was discovering these birds, walking with them, and seeing the destruction of their natural habitat.”

Coralie also brought a loom to the gallery to act as a communal piece, and invited visitors to have a play with it, use some threads, and be part of the creative process. “I think being creative is a very important part of us all as human beings,” she says. “I believe a lot of people have had this trained out of them, but it is such a benefit for our mental wellbeing.”

SCNDIG coordinator Jenai Hooke explained that the group used to have public shows every two years, but were interrupted by Covid, so this is the first for a long time. They have 300 members, with 20 who were involved in this exhibition. Jenai loves the Old Ambo’s space and says it has a lovely feel to it. “Visitors gave us fantastic feedback,” she said. “They enjoyed the curation, the diversity and quality of the work, and that we are supporting artists at every level. We are looking at having annual shows at the Ambo in the future.”

SCNDIG is organised through their Facebook group, so people looking to get involved just need to search for SCNDIG on Facebook and apply to join. 

The Old Ambulance Station invites everyone to pop in when their banner is out, to view whatever exhibitions may be on. Gallery hours are from 10am to 3pm, Monday to Saturday. Don’t be shy!