The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Thunderstorm orchid can forecast rain

NATURE WATCH with Nambour Orchid Society President Roger Barratt

It is interesting to note how nature responds to climatic conditions and how the change to the weather pattern can be tracked by observing plants, with one such plant being the Dendrobium crumenatum. This plant is commonly known as the ‘dove orchid’ or ‘thunder storm orchid’.

It is regarded as an accurate forecaster of rain to come within a few days of flowering, with flowers being very fragrant and producing several times per year based on changes in barometric pressure changes.

This year the plant in the garden of Beryl and Graham Robertson is giving a wonderful display growing on a bottle brush tree.

This is one of the fascinating species of orchids in the world which are grown locally and also in the Philippines, where the farmers regard its flowering as a time to plant their crops.

It is fortunate that the local orchid shows give everyone an opportunity to see some of the intriguing species which grow successfully on the Sunshine Coast.