The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Play brings war hero Nancy Wake’s story to life

Michelle Connelly stars as Nancy Wake.

from Glenda Campi

Attending a women’s breakfast, many years ago, I was fascinated from the outset by the speaker’s subject, Nancy Wake. 

Nancy was a legend and one very brave woman who had control of up to 7000 partisans in Maquis groups in the region of Auvergne in World War II. Wake’s fame knew no boundaries, one of the hardest fighters, leaders, great organisers the world would later acknowledge …. though some years too late.

The Gestapo named her ‘the white mouse’ for her ability to slip through their many traps.

In my research to direct another true story, I shared my thoughts with clients and friends and some older folk who knew of this amazing Australasian women (born in Wellington New Zealand back in 1912 with Māori heritage from her great grandmother) fearless and remarkable, who married Frenchman Henri Fiocca. 

She was so appalled as a naïve young journalist witnessing the atrocities the Nazis performed in a Viennese Street, she declared to do everything in her power to remove the Gestapo who named her ‘the white mouse’ for her ability to slip through their many traps.

I still feel Nancy deserved better recognition by both Australia and New Zealand for her incredible achievements, while France, England and USA awarded her medals promptly, and it is our honour to share her compelling story with followers of Lind Lane Theatre.

• Codename: White Mouse written by Rachel Bublitz and directed by Glenda Campi has the season running from February 16-24. For information visit