The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Injured cyclist rides to improve the lives of kids with cancer

Nambour’s John Kirkham

Every October thousands of Australians like Nambour’s John Kirkham get on their bikes with one simple mission – to make sure that parents never need fear watching their child die from cancer because research will find treatments and cures.

Great Cycle Challenge participants choose how many kilometres they want to ride then ask their friends to sponsor them. 

They design their own challenge, inside or outside, alone or in groups – but all with the same mission: to fight kids’ cancer.

 Since the Great Cycle Challenge started in 2013, over 79,000 riders have raised more than $27 million for the cancer research done in the labs of Children’s Medical Research Institute (CMRI).

Over the last five years of doing the Great Cycle Challenge, John has raised an incredible $19,000 but this year he admits things will not be so easy.

 While many people have had a tough year, John has had it tougher than most.

“I’ve definitely had a lot of challenges and doing this ride will be another one.’’

 He has been into hospital three times, and still faces more surgeries. 

He was recently hit by a car towing a caravan while out riding and is facing surgery on both his knees.

“It was a pretty spectacular incident,’’ John said. “Luckily I saw the car coming so I could kind of prepare for it.’

“Despite everything I’ve gone through this year, I just want to get on the bike and get on with it.’’ —John Kirkham

In spite of his own difficulties, John has always been inspired to help kids with cancer.

“I think about little kids in hospital with cancer – how is that a life? I defy anyone to read the stories about kids going through cancer treatment and not be moved. Despite everything I’ve gone through this year, I just want to get on the bike and get on with it.’’

The money raised goes to research that aims to help kids like Jess, who has been one of the faces of the ride since she was first diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Mum Joanne said there were times she thought they were going to lose her.

“I had times where it felt like I was watching my daughter die, right in front of me, and all I could do was just fight for her. I remember this one night, the doctors were jumping all around her, it was touch-and-go. It was so serious we were just taking things hour-by-hour.

“She ended up in ICU, and they told me it wasn’t looking good. I just cried and cried. But she pulled through – like she always did.

 “She’s always been such a fighter. That’s what kept me going, she’s such a fighter.’’

After two years of having countless rounds of lumbar puncture chemotherapy, constant blood transfusions, bone marrow biopsies and even a dose of pneumonia which left her in intensive care – Jess rang the bell to symbolise the end of treatment in May this year.

The Great Cycle Challenge can be done anywhere, anytime throughout October. You can hit the road or do it inside on a fixed bike. You choose how many kilometres you aim to ride and how much money you’d like to raise – then just ask your friends to sponsor you.

Learn more and register  at