The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Student musicians bring joy to all ages at Nambour State College

Nambour State College has wrapped up ‘Let’s Get Loud!’ for another stellar year with hundreds of happy audience members being treated to a variety of vocal and instrumental performances.

The student-run event stars budding musicians from grades 7 through to 12 performing acts including beautiful ballads to heavy rock, and piano solos, to screamo.

The sold-out afternoon matinees were certainly a treat for primary school guests from Nambour, Bli Bli, Yandina and Palmwoods who all left with a huge smile on their faces and plenty of inspiration for the future.

The student led media team (completing essential industry work as part of their Certificate III in Music), sought out student experiences of the event.

“The highlight is definitely the music,” said student Kayden Robinson. “It’s truly magical.”

Other students identified: “Stage presence, getting the crowd involved,”, and “I just love communicating with my band members, having fun together.”

“I’ve learnt how to present, how to perform, learned how to manage, and leadership skills,” said student Thomas Loughran (the event’s charismatic MC).

“I’ve learnt everything I know about music. Everything about sound, how to play instruments, and how to work as a team,” he said.

“I learnt everything I know through our programs. If I had any advice, I’d say do NACA Music, do Cert! There’s no place I’d rather be than here.”

"There's no greater feeling of pride than seeing our students go through our programs (such as NACA Music and Certificate Music) and seeing them develop not only as musicians, but grow so much over the years that they end up managing and running the event,” said specialist Music teacher, Kirsten Drinnen. “Music is such a powerful thing, and it's an honour to see our students grow and develop as people through music."

When asked how it feels to perform at this event, one year 12 student summed it up perfectly: "An adrenaline rush you could live off."

Well done music students – your community could not be prouder of your achievements.

You can find out more about Nambour State College’s Creative Arts program here: