The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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The Nambour Plan: Feedback flows in on CBD vision

Aerial view of proposed Howard Street/Ann Street treatment.

by Janine Hill

FEEDBACK is flowing in to the Sunshine Coast Council on its draft concept plans for revitalising Nambour’s heart.

Division 10 Cr David Law said 250 survey responses had been received in the fortnight since the Nambour Place Plan had been released for comment.

Cr David Law

Cr Law said feedback could be provided online or at the last of five pop-up information sessions which will be held at Nambour Plaza on Thursday 14 September from 9.30am-12.30pm.

“I’ve been to two out of three pop-ups so far and the interest from the community has been great. I’ve had some great conversations,” he said.

“I guess the overall theme coming through is that people are very positive about the concepts, are very positive that work is being planned and developed for Nambour, and they are positive about the pathway connections for people getting around town and more easily across Currie Street, in particular.

“They are the same things that I’m hearing and from some of the conversations with other staff and what they are seeing on the surveys. Overall, the feedback is positive.”

Cr Law said improvements to the Howard, Currie and Mill Street crossings would improve connectivity between the east and west sides of town while raised crossings would slow traffic.

“One of the big challenges is to try and piece the town together,” he said. 

“At the moment, if you’re on the western side of town, it’s not a very appealing journey on foot or crossing to the other side of town.

“By making that a better experience, hopefully, more people will want to do it.

“I talk to young people and some of the young people are not able to drive. 

“They want to come to town to go around all the op shops and want to walk around the town easily. 

“If we get more people walking around town, hopefully, they will walk into other businesses on their way.”

Some business operators have been disappointed the concept plans do not provide extra parking or central parking in Currie Street.

Councillor Law said the council had looked at this previously and had found there was adequate supply as long as spaces were turned over, which had been addressed with increased monitoring of time limits.

He said parking had not shown up as a common theme in feedback so far but the surveys would remain open until 22 September and he encouraged people to have their say. 

The first stage of work was due to start at the end of next year and the council would be guided by feedback on what the priority should be, he said.

For information on the Nambour Place Plan, go to