The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Nambour’s iconic Book Exchange set to close doors in September

Owner, Darren Bailey “I’ll especially miss helping people find just the right book.”

by Cameron Outridge

The Nambour Book Exchange an icon of Nambour is fast approaching its closing date of September. 

Owner Darren Bailey said it was heartbreaking to have to close the doors on a business that had been in his family since 1985.  Darren has run the Nambour icon for the past 16 years after taking over the business from his parents, Barry (deceased 2007) and Joan Bailey who ran it for 22 years. 

“Mum and Dad, the original creators of the bookshop, will take heart knowing what an iconic business we built,” Darren said. “But the money just isn’t here any more and we don’t have the foot traffic.

“Business had picked up last month, after I made the closing down announcement, and the basement was packed with people, but the last few weeks have been back to the usual slow days,” he said. 

He is still very busy moving stock and bookshelves out of the premises and has even made some amazing discoveries in his stock rooms. 

“I found some treasures like a box full of the historical Moreton Sugar mill book. And a most beautiful Neville Cayley Bird book that looks like it should be on display in a museum. Plus boxes of old comics and magazines that I had no idea I even had,” he said.

Darren said he will miss the bookshop dearly and all his Sunshine Coast and Australia-wide customers. “We have customers who come from Gympie and Brisbane to exchange books, which is really gratifying.

“I’ll especially miss helping people find just the right book. After a while you get to know what people like and can help them find just the right thing.”  

Grab the quality books that are left

Darren is continuing to trade until the end of September and still has thousands of inspiring books. “Many of our shelves at the back are now empty but that’s not because I’ve sold out of the good ones, it’s largely because I’ve given so many books away! I can guarantee that what is left now, is of great quality. It’s like I’ve filtered the store down to the very best books. 

“I hope everyone comes and visits and buys a book or two and helps me clear all his stock. I will even throw in free books with your purchases.”

• Nambour Book Exchange is at 103 Currie Street Nambour  and is open 9-4pm weekdays & 9-12 midday Saturday Mornings. Phone Darren on 5441 3255.