The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Record attendance at Namba Creek Bushcare bee

The Namba Creek Bushcare crew reached new heights on Saturday, with 22 enthusiastic Bushcarers joining forces at the Model Railway off Florence Street, Nambour. 

The words ‘new record’ were hollered by Norm as we took a team photo. It was a surprising turn out considering the colds and flus going around at the moment. 

Of special mention was Megan’s safety briefing where she warned everyone about hungry and horny snakes! Fortunately (and unfortunately) no snakes were sighted during the event.

With so many hands-on tools, the entire site got a makeover. From the very swampy swamp (full after the good rains), to the garden beds, to the Doolan St pathway and even across the train bridge. There were people everywhere weeding and planting to nurture the creekside natives.

We were greeted by two keen new members, Doug and Steph.  Attendees removed Singapore daisy and out-of-control grasses among many other weeds which were growing among some native raspberries.  

The next opportunity to join the action at Namba Creek is on Saturday 21 September  from 7am.