The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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‘My biggest challenge will be getting it all done’

Cr David Law at Council’s Nambour offices ... “Being there for the community is what I’ve spent my career doing”.

Six months into his new role Councillor David Law sees his greatest challenge as trying to achieve everything he wants to, in a division bursting with promise.

Cr Law said he was inspired by Division 10’s potential and constantly energised by working with the community to achieve worthwhile outcomes.

“That’s why I put my hand up and went through that whole election campaign and why I am here ... because I want to make a difference and I genuinely believe I’ve got something to offer for the Council, and for all the people that live here,” he said. “So that we can build some really great communities. The biggest challenge will be getting it all done.”

Despite COVID and the huge learning curve, Cr Law has never had regrets about running for election and said he was totally immersed in achieving positive outcomes.

A career in community services — with the last 19 years in disability services — had enriched his people skills.

“Being there for the community is what I’ve spent my career doing. For me that means listening carefully to people and gauging what the situation is and what they want to do next or what will help their life improve.”

He saw his role as being a conduit to progress but had no doubt there would be tough issues and times when it would be difficult to reach consensus whether with fellow councillors or residents.

“I see my role as making sure that we’re not putting walls up, but we’re actually making sure there aren’t any walls in the way to start with.”

Cr Law said it helped that he enjoyed learning about the roles and responsibilities of Council.

“That side of it has been quite rewarding. I knew how things worked in the disability space. And now I’m just learning a new rule book. The number of responsibilities Council has, that you don’t really notice and you don’t really think about, is quite immense.”

Nambour’s Special Entertainment Precinct designation was having a positive effect on business. Stalwart Alehouse and Brewery, Garra Brazilian Jiu Jitsu studio, Sunshine Coast Pinball and Andrea Kirwin’s Peace Run Records venue were recent examples of businesses tapping into Nambour’s potential.

Helping Yandina achieve a successful 150th Anniversary Celebration, working with Eumundi Chamber of Commerce on streetscaping, investigating options for a fenced dog park in Mapleton and helping Kenilworth with its volunteer community transport program were also rewarding. 

“They are some of the constant highlights that just keep shining through for me because of that passion around creating and wanting to support communities to get to where they want to go to.

“When I watch the young families who are coming to live here now ... 20 years ago that was my family when we chose to live in Nambour with our almost one-year-old. 

“And I want to do everything I can so that in 20 years’ time those people who have chosen to come here now will still be here because it’s an amazing place to be. With entertainment, with beautiful parks, with the tram running, with great facilities and a kind community.”