The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Musicians unite to present  Baroque opera  

Henry Purcell’s only Opera proper, Dido and Aeneas is a magnificent example of English Baroque music, with lively dances and passionate aria sections that demonstrate Purcell’s masterful compositional and choral writing skill. 

Based on a libretto by Nahum Tate, it was first performed in 1689, comprises three acts and lasts about an hour. Filled with dramatic lyricism with a wide range of musical and emotional content, it is a monumental Baroque composition considered to be one of England’s foremost operatic works. 

Dido and Aeneas contains all the elements for a successful opera including a shipwreck, sorcery, love and lost love and death.

The Sunshine Coast Choral Society & the Sunshine Coast Chamber Strings will perform Purcell’s “DIDO and AENEAS” on Sunday August 29 2021 commencing 2 pm.  Gregson and Weight Memorial Chapel, 159 Wises Road, Buderim.  Tickets $30, Concession tickets $25. Bookings – call Yvonne 0431 550 713 Afternoon tea will be provided.’