The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Move well, eat well and lose up to a kilo a week the smart way

Kelly Murdock: “Best results are achieved when people combine nutrition and the correct exercise”. 

Managing your weight can be confusing and frustrating, particularly with so much conflicting advice and information about nutrition and exercise.

Between them Kelly and Bruce Murdock of Murdock’s Health & Fitness Nambour have the perfect combination of know-how to empower their clients to improve their health through eating and exercising the right way.

“Many of our clients range in age from their mid 30’s and have found it difficult to lose or maintain weight, stay fit, be healthy and actually enjoy the process,” said Kelly. 

“I think people get stuck in a ‘dieting’ mentality which is not only not a long term or lifestyle option, but it also feels like punishment.”

Kelly has a Certificate 3 and 4 in Group Fitness and Personal Training, and has “fallen into” nutrition over the years. 

Her husband Bruce is also a Personal Trainer, and holds a Nutritional Diploma.

“Between us, I think we have struck a very good balance of training and nutrition, and our clients are experiencing excellent results,” said Kelly.  “It is common for people on this journey to feel hungry all the time and this sabotages their efforts. Bruce is very good at putting together meal plans and even shopping lists for our clients. 

“It takes the guesswork and confusion out of the process for them. The feedback we are getting is that they love the support and professional guidance as much as the tasty, nourishing meals.

“Best results are achieved when people combine nutrition and the correct exercise,” Kelly said. 

“We offer postural assessments and design exercise plans that support strong bones and muscles, and all of these elements work together.”

Kelly and Bruce have found that on average, their dedicated clients are achieving between a half to one kilo in weight loss per week. “Obviously, results are indicative of effort,” Kelly explained. 

“It is wonderful to support people on this journey to better health and the added bonus is that with the commitment to better self care, people also experience greater clarity and a generally improved sense of wellbeing. It is so rewarding to see.”

Kelly and Bruce offer group sessions for boxing which is great for cardio, kettlebells for strength and conditioning and circuit training, which combines both elements.

Group sessions can be booked online at Murdock’s Health & Fitness is at 49 Currie Street Nambour, phone 0498 657 104.