The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Mulching your Winter veggies

Hinterland Homesteading with Racheal Pascoe

Our weather has been sensational the last few weeks and we are all loving the sunshine and clear skies.

The only thing is our vegie patches can be struggling with the dry. With all the rain we had over our summer, it is hard to believe that we now need to be watering with the hose.

Just like how our own skin dries out so easily this time of year, the moisture from the soil dries out quickly too.

It’s time to mulch around everything to save the moisture from evaporating and help our winter crops grow.

There are several kinds of mulch available and honestly it doesn’t matter too much which one you use, as they all offer a layer of insulation for the plants. I have a big black bamboo in a part of our garden, it is handsome but so messy.

I use all the leaves that fall down around it as mulch around the yard. I don’t think it offers much nutritional value but it is a terrific weed suppressant. I put it on 10cm thick and those pesky weeds have to go back to the drawing board if they want to survive! Ha.

We also use big rounds of mulch in the garden. I have just bought some at $50 each, but we collected them locally at that price. They are mixed pasture hay and will break down to add goodness to the soil.

They are terrific to have on hand when you need some. The sugar cane mulch is also great for keeping the weeds down. All types of mulch break up the soil in time as worms and micro-organisms come to the surface and take the mulch below, breaking it up and adding organic matter to improve a clay like or sandy soil.

This in turn helps the soil hold the water, so it is a win-win. Water saved and weeds managed. Mulching is an important job in the garden.

Now not everyone would want a big round bale of mulch as it is just too much for them to use. A terrific way to manage mulch around the garden is with the smaller bales of sugar cane mulch. (the ones in the white plastic wraps). These are great to cart around the garden to where you want to use them.

The best price in town is at the Nambour Produce Agency. Ryan, Ally and Matthew have a deal on mulch – 4 bags for $56 (or $15 each if you buy just one). They also have so much more to help you have the very best garden this winter. Get them on board to help you make your garden beautiful today!

Once you have mulched, you will see an immediate improvement in all seedlings and growing vegies. They will stand up straight and grow much faster. You might need to only water these guys every other day from then on, or maybe less.

Happy gardening everyone!