The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Monster Garage Sale in the Shed in aid of Vanuatu charity

Sanctuary Park Church of Christ volunteers with co-ordinator Jenny Nixon, front left.

The journey began in 1993 when Allen and Lyn Cox along with their family from the Sunshine Coast volunteered to go to Vanuatu for four months.

Medical Santo was born a number of years later and continues to go from strength to strength. 

The Medical Santo medical centre is in Luganville, on the island of Espirito Santo.  Medical Santo partners in sustainable health solutions in Northern Vanuatu. Recognised by the Vanuatu Government it has developed an Australian support network through Pacific Island Health and Education Ltd (PIHEL).

Further information can be found on their websites: and

In past years work parties from all corners of Australia would have travelled to Vanuatu to assist in buildings, care, maintenance and support of this centre, but Covid 19 has put a stop to that. 

“We can’t go at the moment, but a container of essential items will be leaving Australian shores in 2021, bound for Vanuatu,” said Jenny Nixon volunteer co-ordinator from Sanctuary Park Church of Christ. “We can assist in freight costs by selling unwanted /surplus items that we have in Australia, to make a difference in the lives of people in Vanuatu.

“We are working on the old idiom that ‘one man’s trash is another man’s treasure’.”

Sanctuary Park Church of Christ has an Op Shop open Tuesday and Thursday, 9.30am-1.30pm at 22 National Park Road. 

“It’s just down the lane from the Op Shop is a large shed, full of trash and treasure,” said Jenny. “Volunteers from the church have been working tirelessly now for weeks collecting, sorting, arranging and pricing donated items. From jewellery to jugs, books to beds, kitchen items to cards  and crafts, pillows to pot plants,  furniture to furry toys, garden tools to gadgets and everything in between. Our Op Shop will be open and drinks will be available to purchase.”

• Come along and wander the wonders of Shed 22 at 22 National Park Rd Nambour Saturday May 22 to grab a bargain. All proceeds assist in the freight of the container going to Medical Santo later this year. 

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