The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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‘Machine Gun Preacher’ coming to Nambour 

Sam Childers embraced a life of faith in God and fought to free enslaved children in Sudan and Uganda.

At one point Sam Childers was an armed guard for drug dealers. After almost being killed in a wild brawl the man they now call the ‘Machine Gun Preacher’ decided to turn his life around.

He embraced a life of faith in God and fought to free enslaved children in Sudan and  Uganda.

His life was the subject of Hollywood movie The Machine Gun Preacher starring Gerard Butler. Now Sam will be visiting Ignite Church Nambour on March 17 to share his life story. 

Since turning a new leaf, Sam now speaks to huge audiences all around the world and has built one of the largest orphanages in Southern Sudan, which has fed and housed more than 1000 children. With the orphanage finished, he led armed missions to rescue children from the Lord’s Resistance Army. This led to villagers calling him ‘The Machine Gun Preacher’.

Today his team make around 10,000 meals every day for feeding programs in Africa & house 380 orphan children. He’s also drilled dozens of wells, built schools and has major projects ongoing in South Sudan, Uganda and Ethiopia.

Ignite Church Pastor Darin Browne said he was hoping to see many people attending the event. “Sam Childers was a guy with no hope - no future ... so a story like his will be inspiring and encouraging to people - that’s what we need in our community.” 

Pastor Darin said he invited Sam because they heard he would be in the area at the time.

“To our surprise he accepted our invite. This is something huge for our community. The event is open to everyone and we hope people who may not regularly go to a church will come along and hear Sam Childers’ incredible story.” 

The event is free, although organisers will take up a free will offering to support Sam’s work. “We’d like to think we could help him save some more children,” said Pastor Darin.

Sam Childers will be speaking at Ignite Church on Friday March 17 at 6.30pm. Info: or 0422 804 777.