The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Memorial Pond offers space for reflection in cemetery

Cr Law: “I hope the pond will provide a quiet, comforting and calm space to cherish the loving memories.”

A peaceful place to sit and reflect on loved ones who have passed is now available at Kulangoor Cemetery.

Sunshine Coast Council Division 10 Councillor David Law said the new Kulangoor Cemetery Reflection and Memorial Pond was a beautiful addition to one of the region’s most picturesque cemeteries.

“I was able to use minor capital works funding to help create this really nice peaceful place, to come and sit and be with loved ones, and provide an opportunity for reflection,” Cr Law said.    

“We hope the sight and sound of running water, set amongst the gardens, will provide a peaceful space for visitors to honour their loved one’s memories and final resting place.”

The formal structure of the pond falls away into a more natural setting with water flowing over natural boulders and river rocks.  

“The sound of running water provides a sense of calm and can be heard in other areas of the cemetery nearby,” said Cr Law.

“I hope the pond will provide a quiet, comforting and calm space to cherish the loving memories.”

The pond is surrounded by gardens, an easy-to-access pathway, seating and trees.

Plants were intentionally chosen to provide blooms of varying colours throughout the year. When fully grown, the larger trees will offer shade to the pond and seating area.  

Additional plants including water lilies will also be planted in the pond during the warmer months.

“It’s good to make sure we do continue to maintain and upgrade our cemeteries the same as we would with other things across the Coast,” said Cr Law.

Kulangoor Cemetery is one of 18 cemeteries managed by Sunshine Coast Council across the region.