The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Introducing Labor’s candidate for Nicklin

As the prospective Member for Nicklin my commitment is to see the region safe and secure in this time of pandemic. 

A healthy population can rebuild anything. 

The road to recovery will involve sustainable industries and stability for working families. I want our children to be able to study, work and raise families here.

Railways and transport, law and order, safety, security and community well-being are keys to the life we all want here in Nicklin.

I aim to protect, serve and give Nicklin a loud focused voice at the table of Government. Whether as a firefighter or member of Anastacia’s team managing the economic recovery from Covid-19, I will always put Nicklin and Queensland first.

I was born in Sydney into a defence-force family and finished school in Queensland in 1992 and then completed a sheet-metal trade before joining the Royal Australian Navy in 1995 as a Boatswain’s Mate. I served on HMAS Swan, Canberra, and Ipswich (a patrol boat policing border and fisheries incursions). I spent 7.5 years in the Navy with my last posting at the Gunnery Range in Flinders, Victoria where I also volunteered with the Country Fire Authority.

I transferred to the R.A.A.F in March 2002 and became a professional firefighter. 

I served in Tindal, N.T. for two years before discharging to join the Aviation Rescue and Firefighting Service. 

I have seen active service for over 15 years, in Townsville and now serving as Leading Aviation Firefighter in Brisbane.

In 2017, I was elected President of the UFUA (United Firefighters Union of Australia) Aviation Branch by the 900 national members and served till 2019. In that role I appeared before Senate committees and inquiries, and consequently am no stranger to the workings of government.

I have been honoured with an Operational Service Medal (border operations), National Medal and Defence Medal.

I have three beautiful grown children who are my pride and joy.