The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Exhibition awakens our connection to local wildlife

It’s not often that Wildlife Art has a chance to shine, but at the Cooroy Butter Factory Arts Centre wildlife art is taking centre stage.

Artists from the Sunshine Coast and surrounds have come together to share their passion and create an exhibition that focuses on our local South East Queensland Wildlife.

The show is titled “Did U Know” and will have a variety of animal life common to our region. It will also feature a full wall devoted to artwork highlighting endangered, critically endangered & even extinct animals of our district.

“Curator Fiona Groom has done an amazing job gathering a group of incredible artists,” said Cooroy Butter Factory Arts Centre (BFAC) coordinator Alicia Sharples.

“Not only is this display breathtaking it will also help bring conservation awareness to the wider community.“

An interesting fact about each animal will accompany the works. “It’s a unique opportunity to learn something new as the viewers move through the exhibition,” said Fiona.

“We hope this display will engage the public and bring awareness to the fragility of our local animal neighbours.”

A raffle has also been organised with three amazing prizes donated from the exhibiting artists. Tickets will be available at the Artisan Store at the Arts Centre.

“All proceeds go to Wildlife SEQ a wildlife rescue group who provide care, rehabilitation and release services of local native species,” said Fiona.

There will be an official exhibition opening on Saturday 27th March from 4-6pm with music, food and a bar and featuring guest speakers Tony Wellington & Kathleen Hunt. 

Bookings are essential via The  Cooroy Butter Factory Arts Centre Website. Two Sessions are available 4pm & 5pm Speeches at 4.45pm.

Did U Know Exhibition

• The exhibition runs from Friday March 26 to Sunday May 2 at the Cooroy Butter Factory Arts Centre, 11a Maple Street Cooroy. For info or 5442 6665 or