The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Couple seeks property to continue agistment dreams

Shanks Khan and Kim Belcher ... “This is more than a business for us, it is a labour of love”.

Woombye couple Shanks Khan and Kim Belcher have been operating Aurora Agistment at their current Diddillibah Road property for the past two years and are now trying to find a suitable property to relocate their business before the 30th of September.”

Aurora Agistment provides a unique agistment experience. During the day the horses roam in a managed herd and at night they have their own paddocks.

“This type of management brings physical, mental and emotional well-being to the horses as well,” Kim explained. “They are calmer and more relaxed as a result.”

Shanks and Kim share a passion for horses and their training, and this spills over into their love of the land, history, old sustainable farming techniques and vintage farming equipment and woodworking.

“We have done a great deal of work on the property, which now yields organic bananas, pumpkins, mandarins, potatoes, wheat and corn. We are also growing pasture grasses organically,” said Shanks. “Because we practice organic farming, we are seeing an increasing number of bees and birdlife.”

Kim has 9 years experience in the horse world, immersing herself in all things equine to build the repertoire of skills that she now utilises everyday to manage the herd as whole, and build trust with each horse on the property. Shanks has 12 years of teaching riding and horse training, and is known internationally in the jousting community for the quality of his horse training. He brings a unique style of coaching to his riding lessons as a result of 15 years spent as a youth-worker and disability worker. Together these skills combine and complement to create the unique business that is Aurora Agistment.

“We’re keen to continue imparting the knowledge and skills we have acquired.” Kim said “We’ve created a safe space for people who are new to horse ownership, guiding them through the challenges of caring for and training horses, and overcoming some of the fears that come with that.”

The couple is looking for at least 20 acres, with a dam, fencing and a liveable dwelling. A shed would be ideal, but is not essential. A long lease would be preferred so they can look at clinics in horse archery (an up and coming sport in Australia), jousting, skill at arms, mounted combat, as well as practical horsemanship, organic sustainability for the horse property, early styles of farming using vintage and horse drawn equipment.

“This is more than a business for us, it is a labour of love. That is reflected in the way we treat our horses and the land. If we could remain in the local area, it really would be a dream come true.”

If you can help, you can contact Shanks on 0416 009 083 or email Aurora Agistment at