The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Councilors give Tram the vital start up funds it needs

By Julian RyanLast Thursday a large contingent of residents and business owners gathered in the Gallery at the Council Chambers in Nambour to witness the vote on the Nambour Tram, which has been a project that has touched the hearts and minds of locals for around two years now.After a passionate opening statement from Cr Greg Rogerson, coupled with a back up statement of support from Jenny McKay the morning started off on a positive note.Cr Greg Rogerson led the charge with his enthusiasm for the Tram calling it his “do or die in the ditch” project, answering challenging questions from the other Councilors, the CEO and Mayor Mark Jamieson.Cr Christian Dixon made a number of comments in regards to the feasibility of the project and the funding being requested by Cr Rogerson; he was satisfied with the outcome, which led to his ultimate support for the initial funding for the project.With a number of other comments, some positive, some negative in parts, the general consensus is that the project has the backing from the town, the residents, a multitude of volunteers who have all stated that they will give their time to run the tram, and the councilors.The Nambour Tram has been the undertaking of The Heritage and Tram Committee, which is a sub committee of The Nambour Alliance - the strong peak body that advocates worthwhile projects and assists business and community in delivering a better Nambour."Today the fruits of their labour have blossomed, with a decision that will see the face of Nambour change and the community unite to be a truly unique town with a huge point of difference," said a spokesperson for The Heritage and Tram Committee.Whilst there is undoubtedly a lot of planning and budgeting work to be done, the Councilors agreed that the Council will move the project another step forwards, placing the project into the budgetary discussions for the coming financial year."It’s a win for The Nambour Tram Project, It’s a Win for the Heritage and Tram Committee, It’s a Win for The Sunshine Coast and all our residents and visitors and it’s a big win for Nambour!!!," concluded the Committee.CAPTIONNambour business owner Nerrollie Wilson pictured outside Council Chambers in Nambour telling local media she was delighted with the tram decision.