The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Christmas Shop keeps the festive season spirit alive all year-round

by Janine Hill

DO you echo ‘70s English band Wizzard and wish that it could be Christmas every day?

You can grant your own wish at the Nambour Heights Gifts and Christmas store.

Ange Dunne opened a pop-up Christmas store within her gift shop in September last year and it proved so popular, she has kept it going ever since.

“People ask, ‘Why?’ and I guess, ‘Why not?’. Sometimes you’ve got to be brave enough to do things that other people aren’t going to do,” she said.

Ange’s shop is one of the few where customers can buy baubles, stars, and elves for their shelves  52 weeks a year. “There’s not many of us around. Some only open for six months of the year. They leave it until July,” Ange said.

While some people find Christmas a stressful time of year, Ange said others loved it and were happy to live it as often as they could.

“It’s interesting, what you sell during the year. You have people who adore Christmas and they enjoy having a look all year round,” she said.

Ange’s shop is also an answer for those staging or invited to Christmas in July celebrations.

The Christmas offerings in the store include lanterns, baubles, candles, Grinches, elves on shelves, Santa Clauses, snowmen, wreaths, cinnamon sticks, and Christmas puddings.

With gift options such as candles, diffusers, tea light holders, soaps, Robert Gordon homewares, Ernest Wilder brooches, and books for sale, the store is an option for those shopping for Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, and occasions such as Mothers Day, Fathers Day and Valentine’s Day. 

The shop is at 125 Nambour-Mapleton Road.