The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Canoodling carpet snakes lay low at Nambour Plaza

An expert says the female is probably sitting on eggs.

A pair of carpet snakes have taken up residence at Nambour Plaza shopping centre, much to the delight of nature-loving shoppers.

Apparently the male carpet snake has been there for a while, but then he disappeared for a few weeks, only to return with a partner.

The Gazette snapped them mating a couple of week ago. On our return with a zoom lens the male had again left the nest. But we managed to photograph the female.

The nest is in a nice sunny spot, safe and sound, up and away from the public and within easy access of  nearby Petrie Creek. Security guards said they were happy to leave the snakes alone as they were well out of reach of people.

A WILVOS snake expert said it was likely the female was now sitting on the eggs. “She will coil around and shiver to keep them warm. The female can lay from 10 to 40 eggs. She has to feed herself up  before she curls up to incubate her eggs for 60 days without eating in that time. Emus do the same!   “They generally do not hang around each other except for breeding.”