The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Before & after: Volunteers' model restoration 

Petrie Creek BushCare News
with Norm Morwood

The surrounds of the Nambour Model Rail Park are largely creeks, and most of our bushcare efforts are directed to these areas as they are prime locations for the native animal habitat that we create and enhance. 

However, the "before & after" pictures, above,   show progress on a boundary that is not creek. It's an area that we have turned into habitat/corridor between two creeks in recent years.    

If you’d like to join us in the volunteering part of these BushCare activities, sharing the pleasure and satisfaction we get from it, the next opportunities with us around Nambour are:  

• Namba Creek on Saturday 15 February starting at 7am. Access is through the main gate of the Model Rail Park off Florence St Nambour. 

• Gulung Gung on Wednesday 26 February starting at 7am.  Parking is available in the NE part of Aldi Carpark in Howard St Nambour and then walk down to the creek by following the rough track that skirts the north of the Aldi carpark. Alternatively walk across the new bridge/park from Quota Park off Matthew St.

To join in the action, you’ll need to come in “long everything” bush protective clothing including boots/shoes and a hat. All tools required will be provided. Then after a couple of hours of good exercise and satisfying achievement we’ll finish with the well-deserved cuppa and as interesting a chat as you can make.  Let’s know you’re planning to come by email to Norm or just turn up on the day. 

• For more info and to check starting times and dates etc of events, see the FB Page and for additional info or contact Norm Morwood 0409 63 99 44 or email