The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Archbishop’s COVID message to St Augustine’s

Archbishop Phillip Aspinall and Archdeacon Richard Gowty at Sunday’s morning service ... “We all will have a part to play in setting things right in our communities”.

Parishioners of Palmwoods St Augustine’s warmly welcomed Archbishop Phillip Aspinall and his wife Christa to their morning service on Sunday.

“It’s always an incredibly important and special occasion when the Archbishop comes to visit,” said Archdeacon Richard Gowty, priest in charge of the church. “He manages to visit each of the many parishes in his far flung diocese only once every three years, so we really appreciate his coming and spending time with us.”

Archbishop Aspinall has been leading the Diocese of Brisbane for 18 years and has successfully faced significant challenges in the life of the church during this time. However he is always heartened by the commitment and faithfulness of parishioners in parishes like St Augustine’s.

This little church has been a significant part of the Palmwoods community since it was built in 1925 and it continues to provide comfort and support to many both in the church and in the wider community. There is always a warm welcome there.

In a powerful sermon the Archbishop gave a roadmap of  how we are asked to act in our communities.

“As we move through this COVID19 pandemic, as restrictions are lifted and economic activity gets under way again, it will take time for businesses to get into full swing,” he said. 

“We all will have a part to play in setting things right in our communities. 

“We are to act towards others in the same way God acts towards us in Christ: with understanding, empathy, compassion, a generous spirit and with unshakeable belief in the dignity of every person. 

“Living lives like this will help to heal and restore our communities. It will sometimes be costly but will be life-giving for others. May we be given the insight and courage to live in such ways.”