The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Chicken project a real ‘coop’ for North Arm kids

A freshly hatched cohort of feathered friends have been warmly welcomed by students at North Arm State School thanks to a $4,500 Federal Government Grant.

The Chickens for Children project teaches students practical life lessons through collectively nurturing a family of chickens from the incubation period through to adulthood.

Federal Member for Fairfax Ted O’Brien said the grant was a real ‘coop’ for the kids in North Arm.

“This program provides so much more than the simple joy of watching eggs hatch,” Mr O’Brien said.

“It’s about the learning and growth opportunities that come with the responsibility of looking after another life.

“This is a great local project and I’m proud to support it.”

The program was brought to life by the North Arm State School P and C who received the Australian Government’s Stronger Communities Grant.

North Arm State School P and C President Aveen Kerr says that the project had been a huge success and has seen a markable impact on student outcomes.

“The effect of having the chickens in the classroom has been unbelievable, particularly with the older grades, as they have been so gentle, engaged and passionate,” Ms Kerr said.

Ted O’Brien, David Redfern, Aveen Kerr and Josh Scott and students Patrick Robinson and Lucy Kerr.