The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Record attendance as crowds delight in Maleny Show return

Images courtesy  Marsha Fotografie

A RECORD attendance has been set for the Maleny Show upon its return Friday and Saturday May 28 & 29.

“It was excellent. It was a record Show in so many different ways,” said Show Society President and Div 5 Cr Winston Johnston labelling the two-day event a massive success.

“We had about 18,000 people through the gates over the two days which is a substantial increase on any previous record.”

New additions to the program, along with heightened anticipation following last year’s cancellation, likely contributed to the large crowds across the weekend.

“We also had excellent quality of horses and ring events. We had fantastic entertainment. We introduced some new jumping programs for the horses and the competitors loved it and the crowd was fascinated.”

The traditional Saturday night Rodeo was replaced.

“On Saturday night we had a huge laser show in conjunction with fireworks. Many people said they were the best fireworks they had ever seen. Friday and  Saturday night entertainment programs were amazing and really well supported. You couldn’t find a vacant spot on the hill and the families that were there had a great time. ”

Cr Johnston said it was heartening to see younger people flocking to the Show and volunteering behind the scenes.

“It’s the young people who are the future of the Show and its the young volunteers who will keep it running,” he said.

The high jump contest for dogs was as popular as ever. “This event really draws the people in and is wonderful for crowd participation.”

Cr Johnston said the Show Society went to a lot of effort and expense to comply with COVID requirements.

“And I think we’re a better show for it,” he said. “We had to be more organised this year and we had to have a proper gauge on how many people attended.”

Cr Johnston said the Show represented a valuable aspect of Coast life. “It’s a different form of education for young people,” he said. “Something they don’t normally get to see ...  horses, cows, chooks, beef and dairy cattle and dogs.”

Long may it prosper.

While the hard-working Maleny Show committee does a lot of the organising, it’s the volunteers who really make it happen.

Show Society President Winston Johnston said the Maleny Show relied on an impressive lineup of more than 200 volunteers.

“The thing that always really impresses me is how the community comes together and gives their time,” Cr Johnston said. “These individuals work up to 24 hours over the two days the Show is on. But it’s not just that. You also have all the people who come in and help us set up days and weeks before the Show. And then you have to include the people who help us pack everything away. It’s quite an extraordinary community event.”

Cr Johnston said every dollar raised at the Show went back in to developing facilities at the Showgrounds. “There are 17 user groups that take advantage of our wonderful facilities and we keep the fees very, very cheap at less than $1000 per annum,” he said.

“And that’s a great thing and that’s only achievable because we have a successful Show.

“We recently handed over $1.4 million in improvements to the Showgrounds — a united effort between Federal and State governments, Council and the Show Society.

“We also receive very strong support from the local business community which enables quality entertainment and high value prizes for our competitors.”

Show secretary Lois White agreed saying it was pleasing that all went well and everyone enjoyed the Show.  “Our Covid plan worked well and everyone was patient and compliant,” she said.

“We are so pleased with the way our committee worked together over the last three months since we got the approval to hold the event.  Normally it takes 10 months to plan but with only three months we think we did our best and the crowd numbers were huge. All our vendors and community groups who had stalls sold out of two days worth of food on the first day and had to restock. Thank goodness for Maleny IGA!”

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